#Sunbelt2022 to be held on July 12-16, in Cairns, Australia
The XLII Social Networks Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA) #Sunbelt2022 will be hosted in Cairns, Australia. The 2022 version includes both in-person and virtual formats.The special theme is Social Networks, Disaster Recovery and Environmental Governance in the face of Climate Change.
#Sunbelt2022 is co-organised with INSNA, and hosted by the Australian Network of Social Network Analysis (ANSNA). The Australian Network for Social Network Analysis (ANSNA), the network of SNA researchers and practitioners in Australia and overseas.
The VOSON Lab is closely involved in the organisation of this event, as an Academic Sponsor, along with Swinburne University of Technology and The Cairns Institute - Research in tropical societies. The Chair of the Organising Committe is Prof Dean Lusher (Swinburne University of Technology).
#Sunbelt2022 will take place on July 12-16, 2022, in Cairns.
We look forward to welcoming SNA researchers in Australia.