Ackland, R and F. Borquez (2023). "Ethics of Research using Digital Trace Data: A Computational Social Science Perspective," forthcoming in (eds B. Smyth, M. Downing, M. Martin) Human Research Ethics and Integrity in the Australian Context.
O’Neil, M., Ackland, R. and Cunneen, R. (2023). Submission to the Senate Select Committee on Foreign Interference through Social Media 2023. Submission #21 'Building Resilience with Information Literacy and Information Health', available here.
Rob Ackland and Florian Muhle co-taught the intensive masters course 'Empirical Market Research', at Zeppelin University, in Friedrichshafen, Germany, on 3-6 April 2023.
Rob Ackland presented: "Characterising Political Discussion Networks on Twitter" at ETH Social Networks, Zürich, Switzerland, on 28 March 2023.
Johan Koskinen, academic visitor from the University of Stockholm, presented the seminar "Making Sense of Imperfectly Observed Networks" at the ANU School of Sociology on 8 March 2023. Johan's visit to ANU was organised by the VOSON Lab and co-hosted by the ANU School of Sociology and the School of Politics and International Relations.
6-8 February 2023 - "Social Media Network and Text Analysis" 3-day course held at the 2023 ACSPRI Summer Program, online (R. Ackland and Bryan Gertzel) (ACSPRI page) (course page).