Venturini, T, De Pryck, K. Ackland, R. (2022). Bridging in network organisations: The case of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Social Networks. Available online 10 February 2022:


Gumbert, F., Pütz, O., Muhle, F., & Ackland, R. (2022). Echo Chambers without Conversation? Enriching Research on Polarization and Fragmentation on Twitter with the Analysis of Reciprocal Communication. Forthcoming in the proceedings of the 41st Congress of the German Sociological Association 2022.


Rob Ackland, Francisca Borquez and Nicholas Corbett preseted at the 8th Biennial ACSPRI Social Science Methodology Conference (Online 23-24 November 2022)

  • Rob Ackland presented 'Characterising Political Discussion Networks on Twitter', part of the 3B Project research
  • Francisca Borquez presented 'An interdisciplinary approach to understanding Indigenous Australian governance networks', joint work with Rob Ackland and Diane Smith (CAEPR)
  • Nicholas Corbett presented 'Observing the alt-right on Reddit: constructing unique units of observation and analysis from platform activity', part of his PhD research.

VOSON Lab PhD students Nicholas Corbett, Bryan Gertzel  and Sidiq Madya presented at the Sociology Live, ANU HDR Conference (21-22 November 2022):

  • Nicholas Corbett presented 'Observing the alt-right on Reddit: constructing unique units of observation and analysis from platform activity'
  • Bryan Gertzel presented 'The Impact of Social Bots: Twitter Gender Pay Gap Bot'
  • Sidiq Madya presented 'Data Sovereignity: the Web of Narratives from Non-state Actors'

Rob Ackland ran a seminar and masterclass at the University of Queensland (15-16 November 2022):

  • Research seminar 'Characterising Political Discussion Networks on Twitter' on 15 November 2022
  • One day masterclass 'Collecting and analysing social media network and text data using VOSON and R', on 16 November 2022.

Rob Ackland and Francisca Borquez were members of the Organising Committee for #Sunbelt2022, XLII International Social Networks Conference, which was held on 12-16 July 2022, in Cairns, Australia.

At the Sunbelt 2022 conference:

  • Rob Ackland ran the pre-conference workshop 'Collecting and Analysing Online Networks with VOSON R tools', Thu 7 July 2022
  • Diane Smith (CAEPR), Francisca Borquez and Robert Ackland (VOSON Lab) presented 'An interdisciplinary approach to understanding Indigenous Australian governance networks' Wed. Jul 13, 2022 
  • Robert Ackland presented 'Threaded Conversation Networks and Political Deliberation on Twitter During the First 2020 US Presidential Election Debate' joint work with Ole Pütz; Bryan Gertzel; Indra Bock; Felix Gumbert; Florian Muhle; Matthias Orlikowski, on Wed. 13 July, 2022.
  • Mathieu O'Neil presented 'Network-based Heuristics for Identifying Echo Chambers in Political Discussion on Twitter' joint work with Robert Ackland and Timothy Graham, on Thu. Jul 14, 2022.
  • Mikayla Novak (paper presentation) - Tweeting hydrogen: A network analysis of Australian Twitter communications about hydrogen decarbonisation. 
  • Bryan Gertzel presented the poster  'The Role and Impact of Social Bots in Political Conversation Networks on Twitter' on Fri. Jul 15, 2022. 
  • Francisca Borquez presented the poster 'Collecting and Analysing Online Networks with VOSON R Tools (Authors: Francisca Borquez, Bryan Gertzel and Robert Ackland) on Thu. Jul 14, 2022. 
  • Nicholas Corbett presented the poster 'Using network analysis to re-conceptualise the alt-right' on Fri. Jul 15, 2022.

Rob Ackland, Francisca Borquez and Bryan Gertzel presented at the SAGE Publishing webinar " Analysing online networks with VOSON Lab tools",  17 March, 2022. 



7-9 February 2022 - "Big Data Analysis for Social Scientists" 3-day course held at the 2022 ACSPRI Summer Program, online (R. Ackland and Bryan Gertzel) (ACSPRI page) (course page).

14-18 February 2022 - Rob Ackland ran the masterclass: "Intro to Social Network Analysis" in the ANU Online Summer School in Political Analysis.