Journal articles

O'Neil, M., Raissi, M., & Turner, B. (2020). The Case for Asymmetry in Online Research: Caring About Issues in Australian and Canadian Web 1.0 Bee Networks. International Journal Of Communication, 14, 24. Retrieved from

Kweon, S-h., Kim, S-j., Kang, B-y., Kweon, H-j. (2019). A Study on the Hyperlink Structures of the TV Networks: Analysis Focus on ABC, BBC, NHK, and KBS. The Internet Information Science Society, 20 (2), 77-91. (VOSON is mentioned).

Raisi, H., Baggio, R., Barratt-Pugh, L., & Willson, G. (2018). Hyperlink Network Analysis of a Tourism Destination. Journal of Travel Research, 57(5), 671–686. (VOSON in use).

McIlwain, C. (2017). Racial formation, inequality and the political economy of web traffic. Information, Communication & Society, 20(7), 1073-1089. doi: 10.1080/1369118X.2016.1206137 (VOSON in use)

Taneja, H. (2017). Mapping an audience-centric World Wide Web: A departure from hyperlink analysis. New Media & Society, 19(9), 1331–1348. (VOSON in use)

Yi, H. and Scholz, J.T. (2016). Policy Networks in Complex Governance Subsystems: Observing and Comparing Hyperlink, Media, and Partnership Networks. Policy Studies Journal, 44 248-279. doi:10.1111/psj.1214 (VOSON is mentioned)

Taneja, H. & Webster, J.G. (2016). How Do Global Audiences Take Shape? The Role of Institutions and Culture in Patterns of Web Use. Journal of Communication, 66 (1), 161–182. (VOSON in use)

Peter Thijssen, Wouter Van Dooren. (2016). Going online. Does ICT enabled-participation engage the young in local governance?. Local Government Studies, 42(5), 842-862.

Dallas, J.E. (2015). Utilizing Hyperlink Network Analysis to Examine Climate Change Supporters and Opponents. Review of Policy research, 32(2), 226-245.

Groselj, D. (2014). A webometric analysis of online health information: sponsorship, platform type and link structures. Online Information Review, 38(2). 209-231.

Hepburn, P. (2014) Local Democracy in a Digital Age: Lessons for Local Government from the Manchester Congestion Charge Referendum, Local Government Studies, 40:1, 82-101, DOI: 10.1080/03003930.2013.829457

Kim, J.H. & Park H.W. (2014). Food policy in cyberspace: A webometric analysis of national food clusters in South Korea. Government Information Quarterly, 31(3), 443-453.

Kadriu, A., Saveska, M. & Abazi-Bexheti, L. (2013). E-Government Exploration using Social Network Analysis Methods. International Journal of Humanities and Management Sciences (IJHMS), 1(2). Retrieved from

Kemp, C.G., Collings, S.C. (2011). Hyperlinked suicide: assessing the prominence and accessibility of suicide websites. Crisis, 32(3), 143-151. doi: 10.1027/0227-5910/a000068 (VOSON in use).

Schroeder, R. (2008). e-Sciences as research technologies: reconfiguring disciplines, globalizing knowledge. Social Science Information, 47(2), 131–157. (VOSON is mentioned).


R. Rogers (2018), "Issuecrawling: Building lists of URLs and mapping website networks," in Celia Lury, Patricia T. Clough, Una Chung, Rachel Fensham, Sybille Lammes, Angela Last, Mike Michael and Emma Uprichard (eds.). Routledge Handbook of Interdisciplinary Research Methods. London: Routledge, 169-175. (mentions VOSON crawler)

Khan, G. (2015). Seven Layers of Social Media Analytics: Mining Business Insights from Social Media Text, Actions, Networks, Hyperlinks, Apps, Search Engine, and Location Data. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.

Meyer, E., Schroeder, R. (2015). Knowledge Machines: Digital Transformations of the Sciences and Humanities. Cambridge, MA, MIT Press.

Conference proceedings

Kweon, S-H., Kim, S-J., Li, X.,  B. Y. Kang, B.Y. & You, H. (2017). "TV webpage network analysis: Focused on the analysis of ABC, BBC, NHK, and KBS' hyperlink structures," 2017 Computing Conference, London, 2017, 429-439. doi: 10.1109/SAI.2017.8252135

Finn, J. (2012), The role of networks in science communication and engagement with non‐expert publics. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 49(1) 1-4. doi:10.1002/meet.14504901367

PhD Theses

Castillejo Sierra, M. (2016). Redes Temáticas en la Web Estudio de caso de la Red Temática de la Transparencia en Chile. Universitat Pompeu Fabra.

Hepburn, Paul (2011). Local Governance and the Local Online Networked Public Sphere: Enhancing Local Democracy or Politics as Usual? The University of Manchester (United Kingdom), ProQuest Dissertations.

Other publications

Bollweg, L., Lackes, R., Siepermann, M., and Weber, P. (2018). The Role of E-Intermediaries in Local Retail Hyperlink Networks: A Hyperlink Network Analysis.

Jacomy, M., Girard, P., Ooghe-Tabanou, B., and Venturini, T. (2016). Hyphe, a Curation-Oriented Approach to Web Crawling for the Social.  Poster presented at the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, Köln,Germany. (Publication mentiones VOSON)

Freelon, d., McIlwain, C., and Clark, M. (2016). Beyond the hashtags: #Ferguson, #Blacklivesmatter, and the online struggle for offline justice. Report prepared for Centre for Media and Social Impact, School of Communication, American University.

O'Neil, M. and Kelley, D. (2016). Decoding Publics: A Review of Digital Media Analytics Tools. Report prepared for News and Media Research Centre, University of Canberra. (VOSON review)