
Ackland, R. (2013), Web Social Science: Concepts, Data and Tools for Social Scientists in the Digital Age, SAGE Publications.  See the relevant pages on the SAGE website, Amazon website and the Web Social Science website.

Journal articles

R. Ackland and R. Gibson (2013), “Hyperlinks and Networked Communication: A Comparative Study of Political Parties Online,” International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 16(3), special issue on Computational Social Science: Research Strategies, Design & Methods, 231-244. [Download pre-print]

Refereed conference papers

Henman, P., Ackland, R., Graham, T. and L. Chen (2013), "Social policy on the Web: the institutional structure of social policy domains in Australia and the UK," In: Social Policy Association Annual Conference 2013, Sheffield, UK. 8-10 July, 2013.

Non-refereed conference papers

Halpin, D and R. Ackland (2013), "Assessing the (Changing) Structure of Interest Group Networks: Evidence from UK Public Policy Consultations," paper presented (by D. Halpin) at Panel 50-7 Interest Group Networks, American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago 2013.

Working papers

R. Ackland and L. Wu (2013), "Index Numbers and Information Networks," working paper. (download)

D. Halpin and R. Ackland (2013), “Assessing the (Changing) Structure of Interest Group Networks: Evidence from UK Public Policy Consultations,” paper presented at American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago 2013, Panel 50-7 Interest Group Networks.

M. Raissi and R. Ackland (2013), "Social networks and happiness: Evidence from Australian seniors on Facebook," working paper.


Australian Research Council Discovery Grant DP140103688 "Understanding online attention and user-generated content creation: An information consumption and production perspective" (R. Ackland; $225,000; 2014-2016)

Australia-China Science Research Fund Grant ACSRF06323 for "Collaboration with Tsinghua University Beihang University and CityU-Shenzhen and others to strengthen Australia-China cooperation in computational social science and research into information diffusion in social media" (L. Xie, R. Ackland and P. Thomas; $40K, 2013).  This grant was awarded by the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education.

Seminar/workshop presentations

December 2013 - Robert Ackland presented on "Exploring the Structure of Government on the Web" at the Daegu Gyeongbuk International Social Network Conference (DISC2013), Daegu, South Korea, 12-14 December.

December 2013 - Robert Ackland presented on "Real Attention in Information Networks" at Fujitsu Laboratories, 20 December.

September 2013 - Robert Ackland presented on "Some approaches for social scientific research using Twitter" at the CSIRO IR and Friends seminar series.

July 2013 - Paul Henman presented on "Social Policy on the Web: The institutional structure of social policy domains in the UK" at the Social Policy Association Conference 2013: Social Policy in Challenging Times, Sheffield, UK, 8-10 July 2013.  This was work by Paul Henman, Rob Ackland, Tim Graham and Lin Chen.

July 2013 - Robert Ackland presented on "Measures of Attention in Online Social and Organisational Networks" at Microsoft Research Asia (Beijing).  (download presentation)

May 2013 - As part of an Australia-China Science Research Fund Grant, Robert Ackland gave presentations on computational social science and measuring attention in information networks at the following: Tsinghua University (Department of Computer Science and Technology), Renmin University (Department of Computer Science), Tsinghua-Renren Social Media Lab, Swarm Agents Club (Chinese scientific club focused on complexity science), Webmining Lab at City University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen University Department of Marketing).  (download presentation)

May 2013 - Mathieu O'Neil gave a presentation on "Competition and Influence amongst Online Environmental Social Movement Organisations" (joint with Robert Ackland) at the Sunbelt Social Networks Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA) in Hamburg.

May 2013 - Mahin Raissi gave a presentation on "Social Capital and Successful Ageing: Evidence from a Facebook Study" (joint with Robert Ackland) at the Sunbelt Social Networks Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA) in Hamburg.

May 2013 - Robert Ackland gave a seminar presentation on Twitter research at the Department of Communication, Radboud University Nijmegen.

May 2013 - Mahin Raissi gave a seminar presentation on her PhD research into social capital, social influence and successful ageing at Radboud University Nijmegen (Department of Communication).

February 2013 - Robert Ackland gave a seminar presentation on "Social Media and the Network Structure of Social Capital" at the Social Policy Unit, School of Social Work and Human Services, University of Queensland. (download presentation)

Events organised

December 2013 - Robert Ackland organised a seminar on "The 2013 Web Index - Methodology, Results and Discussion", held at the ANU on 3 December.  Speakers were: Robert Ackland, Sarah Logan and Michael Chisnall.

Training programs

July 2013 - Robert Ackland ran a 5-day course on "Social Media Analysis" at the Australian Consortium for Social and Political Research Incorporated (ACSPRI) Winter Program, 1-5 July, University of Technology Sydney.

July 2013 - Robert Ackland ran a 1-day master class on "Social Media Analysis" on behalf of the Australian Sociological Association (TASA), 8 July, University of New South Wales.

July 2013 - Robert Ackland contributed to a short course on Computational Social Science, held at Beihang University, 16-19 July (an output of Australia-China Science Research Fund Grant ACSRF06323).

July 2013 - Robert Ackland organised and ran a Social Media Master Class held at the Tsinghua-Renren Social Media Lab, Beijing, 22-24 July (an output of Australia-China Science Research Fund Grant ACSRF06323).

December 2013 - Robert Ackland presented a master class on "Social Network Analysis: Its Utility for Global Leadership", hosted by the Area Studies Innovation Program at Tsukuba University, Japan.