VOSON Lab research seminar and masterclass at UQ

Rob Ackland ran a seminar and masterclass at the University of Queensland on 15-16 November 2022. Organised by the Digital Societies Research Cluster of the School of Social Science, the research seminar  'Characterising Political Discussion Networks on Twitter' introduced preliminary findings of one of the streams of the international research collaboration: 3B Bots Building Bridges Project. The presentation provided an overview of Twitter conversation data collection and sampling approach and outlined some preliminary findings regarding the deliberative nature of Twitter activity during the first 2020 US presidential Debate, constructing a measure of deliberation involving the depth and breadth of conversation tree networks.

On the following day, the one-day masterclass 'Collecting and analysing social media network and text data using VOSON and R' introduced participants to the collection and analysis of network and text data from social media and the web, using the VOSON open source R software and other R packages.

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