News 2007- Visiting OII, e-Social Science conference, Assessing the online presence of the nanotechnology industry, and more!

October 2007 - Robert Ackland gave a presentation titled "VOSON: Developing a web service for social science network research" at a forum titled e-Research: Research in the era of Google - Are you Ready?, hosted by the ANU Supercomputer Facility.

October 2007 - Robert Ackland attended the Third International Conference on e-Social Science, Ann Arbor, Michigan, US, and co-authored three refereed papers, which can be found here.

July 2007 - Peter Bailey (CSIRO) presented a refereed paper (co-authored with Robert Ackland and Amanda Spink (QUT)) titled "Characteristics of .au Websites: An Analysis of Large-Scale Web Crawl Data from 2005" at 13th Australasian World Wide Web conference. The paper can be found here.

May 2007 - Rachel Gibson (University of Leicester) and Wainer Lusoli (University of Chester) presented a paper (co-authored with Robert Ackland and Steve Ward (Oxford Internet Institute)) titled "Mapping small things on the Web: Assessing the online presence of the nanotechnology industry" at the Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, San Francisco. The paper can be found here.

March to August 2007 - Robert Ackland was a National Centre for e-Social Science Visiting Fellow and James Martin Visiting Fellow, based at the Oxford Internet Institute. During this period, activities included:

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