ANU-CNRS Attention Dynamics Research

Researchers from the ANU (School of Sociology and Centre for Digital Humanities) and the 'Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique' [CNRS] presented their current work on online attention dynamics. 

ANU presentations included "Distributed Collection: Using cloud infrastructure to build large-scale social media datasets" (G. Cuthbertson, Centre for Digital Humanities Research, ANU); "The deliberative potential of online discussion: an analysis of dynamic threaded conversation networks on Reddit" (R. Ackland, School of Sociology & VOSON Lab, ANU); and "The structural and temporal dynamics of discussion networks in Manosphere communities on Reddit" (S. Copland, School of Sociology, ANU).

The CNRS presentations included: "Introduction on attention cycles / a simulation of trendiness acceleration / introduction to the YouTube dataset" (T. Venturini, Center for Internet and Society, CNRS); "Some technical detail in the YouTube dataset / some preliminary analysis of the data (temporal clustering + corrections)" (M. Castaldo, Center for Internet and Society, CNRS & GipsaLab Grenoble); and "Covid19 and nocturnal discussion in YouTube and Twitter" (F. Gargiulo, GEMASS lab, CNRS).

The online seminar also provided a space for discussion, contribution and exchange of ideas. This event is part of the international research collaboration: the "ANU Social Dynamics of Attention Centre", funded through the ANU Global Research Partnership Scheme. It took place on June 17, 19 and 22, 2020 and it was organised by Rob Ackland (VOSON Lab) and Tommaso Venturini (CNRS).


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