Academic visit to Zeppelin University, Germany

Rob Ackland and Florian Muhle co-taught the intensive masters course 'Empirical Market Research', during his academic visit to Zeppelin University, in Friedrichshafen, Germany. The 4-day course, held on the week 3-6 April 2023, involved students using VOSON software and other related R tools to collect and analyse social media networks and text data.
The academic visit was aimed at broadening the ongoing research collaboration between the VOSON Lab and Professor Dr Florian Muhle. The collaboration started in 2016, when the team was granted the Australia – Germany Joint Research Co-operation Scheme 2017-18 (Universities Australia – German Academic Exchange DAAD) to study the role of social bots as political authors. This was followed by a Volkswagen Foundation Planning Grant (2019), and by the current research project Bots Building Bridges (3B), funded by the Volkswagen Foundation Grant in AI and the Society of the Future stream (2021-2025).