Journal articles

Ackland, R. and M. O'Neil (2011), "Online collective identity: The case of the environmental movement," Social Networks, 33, 177-190. (download pre-print)This paper received the 2012 Communication and Information Technologies Section of the American Sociological Association (CITASA) Paper Award! The CITASA Paper Award recognises an outstanding published paper or book chapter related to the sociology of communications or the sociology of information technology.

Lusher, D. and R. Ackland (2011), "A Relational Hyperlink Analysis of an Online Social Movement," Journal of Social Structure, 12(5). Available at:

Working papers

R. Ackland and J. Shorish (2011), "Homophily on the Web," paper prepared for Digital Methods: Tools for Analysis workshop, held at University of Manchester, 10th November 2011.

F. Borquez and R. Ackland (2011), "Horses for Courses? A Comparative Study of Web Crawlers for the Social Sciences," in preparation.

R. Ackland and L. Wu (2011), "Revealed Preference in Networks," poster and abstract prepared for the Workshop on Information in Networks (WIN), New York University Stern School of Business, September 30th - October 1st, 2011. (download poster) (download abstract)


R. Ackland - travel grant to attend Third International Workshop on Network Theory: Web Science Meets Network Science jointly organised by the Annenberg Networks Network (ANN) and SONIC, held at Northwestern University, 4-6 March.

Seminar/workshop presentations

October 2011 - Robert Ackland gave seminar presentations on "Horses for Courses?  A Comparative Study of Web Crawlers for the Social Sciences" (joint with Francisca Borquez) at the Human-Computer Interaction Lab, University of Maryland (4th October) and the Science of Networks in Communities (SONIC) research group, Northwestern University (7th October).

October 2011 - Robert Ackland gave a poster presentation titled "Revealed Preference in Networks" (joint with Lingfei Wu) at the Workshop on Information in Networks (WIN), New York University Stern School of Business, September 30th - October 1st, 2011.

May 2011 - Robert Ackland was a guest speaker at an Alliance Française De Canberra event titled Café Scientifique – nanotechnology: is smaller better?, 20 May.

May 2011 - Robert Ackland and Heather Crawford discussed the contribution of VOSON to e-Research and success factors for e-Research at a meeting of the ANU Integration Network, 17 May.

March 2011 - Robert Ackland gave a presentation at the HC Coombs Policy Forum on Social Media, Privacy and Security titled Web 2.0: Context, Uptake and Implications, 11 March.

March 2011 - Robert Ackland attended the Third International Workshop on Network Theory: Web Science Meets Network Science, Northwestern University, 4-6 March.


Hai Liang and Lingfei Wu, doctoral students from the Web Mining Lab at the City University of Hong Kong, visited ADSRI and the VOSON project from February to June.