1.  If I try to add a seed site to the tutorial database I get an unhandled exception error that starts: "Undefined subroutine &vosondata2::die_r called at /var/www/cgi-bin/nodexl_voson_spigot/MyApache2/testvoson2.pm line 543."You can only add seed sites to databases that are in your project.  The tutorial database is in the "tutorial" project, and so you cannot add seed sites to it.  We will improve the software so that this features is handled more gracefully, but in the meantime if you want to add seed sites to be crawled, you need to first create your own voson database.2. I am getting a timeout error and no data is returned.VOSON+NodeXL is not currently setup to allow you to collect and import massive networks. It seems to work OK up to 9K nodes, but network greater than this, you get a timeout error. We are working on a new feature that will mean that after each crawl two additional voson networks are created: one containing just the seed sites, and one containing just the seed sites plus "important" sites (sites that have a degree greater than or equal to two). These two networks will be much smaller and you should have no problem importing them into NodeXL. However, this change may take a while to implement and in the meantime if you have problems with timeouts you have two options: (1) use the VOSON System to manually create a subnetwork (the VOSON System can handle larger networks with no problem) e.g. a network with just the seeds, and then import into NodeXL; (2) use the VOSON System to export the entire network in GraphML format, which you can then import into NodeXL; (3) email our support desk and let us know your problem and we'll create the subnetworks for you.3. I am unable to log into VOSON+NodeXL - instead of getting the window listing my voson databases I get a NodeXL message about an "unhandled exception" and then another message about there being an "error in the XML document" (or something similar)This will happen if you use non-ascii characters (e.g. characters with accents) in the comment field for your voson databases.  For example, if you use a comment like "completa sem radicalização", then you will have this problem and you will no longer be able to access your data.  Basically, VOSON+NodeXL is choking on the accented characters in the comment.  This is something we will fix in the next version of VOSON+NodeXL but for the time being you have two options: (1) go into the VOSON System and delete the offending database(s) or (2) send us an email stating you have this problem and we will change the comment fields (replace the accented characters) - this is very easy for us to do (but impossible for you, at present) so we are happy to do this.